Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am learning quite a lot of things

I am learning quite a lot of new things here on this system.  I have found that almost everyone that I have communicated with regarding the issues that I am having have all been very polite and respond rather quickly.  But, then there are those few that are, well, frankly, just jerks right out of the box.  They have no interest in helping anyone but themselves.  But, boy are they quick when you show an interest in their product.  They help in every way that they can!!!  Then, they help you right out of your money.  Wow.  NO suprise there!!!!

But, as I learn; I have also had to "put my guard up" as it were.  Just the other day, I received a phone call from your typical salesman.  And, wow, could he talk.  He just wouldn't listen when I kept saying no, not interested, thank you, etc.  Bottom line, after letting him talk non-stop for over 35 minutes, I finally said another polite thank you and hung up on him.  And, as if you couldn't believe that I tolerated him for 35 minutes, after hanging up on him; he had the balls to call me back!!!!!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A bare hint

A bare hint is a new blog about a very adult store that I have created.  I will provide you with the links and all the information needed a little bit later on.  Currently, I must wait until the account is approved and forwarded to me. 

But, I am very confident that you will find all that you are looking for.  Don't forget that Valentine's Day is coming up very soon.  Be sure to get something a little exciting for him or her this year.

More coming later.